In Lithuania, solar panels are incorporated into noise barriers


Two pilot projects have integrated solar panels into noise barriers. One project is located next to the railway near Vilnius, and the other is next to the highway connecting the cities of Kaunas and Vilnius.

In Lithuania, solar panels are incorporated into sound barriers

In Lithuania, solar panels are incorporated into sound barriers (Publicity image)

Two pilot projects have integrated solar panels into noise barriers. One project is located next to the railway near Vilnius, and the other is next to the highway connecting the cities of Kaunas and Vilnius.

Lithuania-based solar module manufacturer SoliTek and Lithuanian noise-reduction foam and noise-absorbing wall supplier Stalcorp are conducting two pilot projects integrating solar panels into noise barriers, one next to a railway near Vilnius and the other along the national E85 highway connecting the cities of Kaunas and Vilnius.

The Lithuanian railway management company LTG Infra, owned by Lithuanian Railways, installed a wall 70 m long and 4,5 m high. It is equipped with 60 frameless, double-glazed transparencies as part of the project SoliTek Solid Bifacial 370W modules that are resistant to extreme loads, hail and wind. This system promises to generate 13.2 MWh of electricity per year.

SoliTek Solar Panel Noise Barriers
SoliTek Solar Panel Noise Barriers (Publicity Image)

The second project in cooperation with the Lithuanian Road Administration, Via Lithuania, will introduce similar technology on the European highway E85, which connects Kaunas and Vilnius. The forecast for this solution is to produce at least 15 MWh of electricity per year using 56 double-sided solar modules. Both projects are strategically designed to maximize solar energy efficiency while significantly reducing noise pollution.

Solar panel noise barrier projects highlight the multiple benefits of innovative approaches: reducing noise pollution and improving green energy production. By transforming static infrastructures into functional elements, they can provide significant environmental benefits and open up new opportunities in renewable infrastructure projects. Retrofit testing will also be carried out where existing sound walls are being dismantled to be replaced with a solar module solution.

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