Rēzekne electric buses have recommended themselves well


Rēzekne's passenger carrier "Rēzeknes Satiksme" has been operating electric buses on city routes for the fifth year, which have added to the company's fleet in the municipal project "Environmentally friendly public transport development of Rēzekne".

"Rēzekne Satiksme" electric bus

"Rēzekne Satiksme" electric bus. Source: Rēzekne Traffic

Rēzekne's passenger carrier "Rēzeknes Satiksme" has been operating electric buses on city routes for the fifth year, which have added to the company's fleet in the municipal project "Environmentally friendly public transport development of Rēzekne".

Electric transport is still an expensive pleasure, but Rēzekne has managed to purchase four electric buses manufactured in the Czech factory "SOR" and delivered to Rēzekne with minimal municipal costs. The total cost of the project – 1,6 million. EUR, of which it was possible to attract 1,4 million co-financing from the Cohesion Fund. EUR and the state - 65 thousand. in the amount of EUR, but 195 thousand was invested by the municipality. euro. In addition, the necessary infrastructure for electric buses was built on the company's territory - several fast and slow charging stations.

The first electric bus started running on December 2018, 7. Since then, electric buses have traveled 800 km and transported more than 000 million. passenger.

We position ourselves as a "green" company (certification in the environmental management system) that thinks about ecology and the surrounding environment, so in the future we plan to develop our fleet in the direction of electric transport, especially if co-financing programs from EU structural funds are available.

Over the years of operation, electric buses have proven themselves very well. We haven't found any critical technical issues, but the battery power has not decreased that much. An additional advantage is the cost of servicing. On average, this type of electric bus, like ours, consumes from 0,09 to 1,1 kWh per kilometer. Even despite various price jumps for electricity and energy resources in general, electric buses provide significant benefits in daily operation.

Another advantage of electric buses is the smaller number of technical units that need to be serviced and repaired, which is very convenient.

And finally, electric buses have proven themselves very well from the point of view of the quality of the service we provide and the improvement of the working environment of the drivers - less noise and vibrations. Electric buses are equipped with seats for passengers with functional disabilities, mothers with strollers, video surveillance is installed and wireless Internet is available.

"Rēzekne Satiksme" informs

In 2019, SIA "Rēzeknes Satiksme" received the Green Excellence Award from the Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Jura Pūce and Director General of the State Environmental Service Elita Baklānes-Ansberga. It is awarded to companies that comply with the requirements of environmental regulations at a high level, as well as implement measures on their own initiative that reduce the negative impact on the environment.

The development of sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in the field of passenger transport remains one of the priority goals of our city's public transport company.

Source: Rezekne Traffic

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